Other cover

Louie the Lighter's Bingo House of Doom Paroles

Bob Ricci

Album Other

Paroles de Louie the Lighter's Bingo House of Doom

Deep in the ghetto of my hometown
And right across the street from Jack's Discount Donut Shop
There's a place where little old ladies flock to
And coincidentally where my cousin Stew got shot
And if you go you better watch your back
Cause those girls won’t cut you any slack
And the cops will be here soon
Ah, but it's a typical afternoon
At Louie "the Lighter"'s Bingo House of Doom

Well here comes ol' Percy and Esmerelda
Security's scared to pat them down because you know they're packing heat
And Maybelle's swinging a sword just like she's playing Zelda
And wearing her super traction groin-kick action Bingo cleats
And not a single day goes by
Without you feeling like you're gonna die
And it sorta resembles hell
But that's business as usual
At Louie "the Lighter"'s Bingo House of Doom

N-35, Poke out your eye
B-17, rupture your spleen
I-25, you win so long as you survive the night

Well deep in the ghetto of my hometown
And right next door to Talia's Surpluss Voodoo Store But some guy just got harpooned
It's more violent than a cartoon
At Louie "the Lighter"'s Bingo House of Doom
It's Louie "the Lighter"'s Bingo House of Doom
I said Louie "the Lighter"'s Bingo House of...

And please don't get me wrong cause Lou's a stand up guy
He just kinda rolls with the wrong crew
So be sure to stop on in and bring the family by
At Louie "the Lighter"'s Bingo House of...