Chaos Beyond

Newsflash! a global collapse of facial library systems has caused an enormous
increase of mass suicide. research has shown that this tragic trend is at its
peak in birdland, webminster and about to spread around the globe.

lol, omg, lmfao
my dog just had to fart
and i thought that you might want to know
like, tag, share, fag
if you don't agree with it
my dog gets pissed, so goddamn pissed
and you'll be banned from my friends list

what the fuck is going on?
it seems like shit's got serious
a library that's full of faces
people act delirious
previously crowded places
look like deserted spaces
acting like a butterfly
cocooning virtualised

so you want to be a star?
you've got to climb the sugar mountain
unfold your private life
you've got to trust me
you're simply one click away from fame

hurr durr, have you heard?
140 characters my little bird
hashtag, go with the flow
do you know what happened a minute ago?

tweet tweet tweet, my mind goes beep
open up the cage, and you'll fall deep
we don't need big brother now
cause we are part of an online show

so you want to be a star?
you've got to climb the sugar mountain
unfold your private life
you've got to trust me
you're simply one click away from fame

wtf, i just don't get it
talking shit without regretting
people typing without brains
zombie outbreak's last remains
self-portrayal has increased
right to privacy deceased
i'm about to draw a line
stay out of it and you'll be fine

so you want to be a star?
you've got to climb the sugar mountain
unfold your private life
you've got to trust me
you're simply one click away from fame

who needs privacy anyway?

(Dank an Mike für den Text)

From Paroles Mania