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Queen Killing Kings (The)
Like Lions
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Something's bound to happen I can hear it in the whispers of the night Warn the others madness finds us drifting in the calm of tidal eyes I'm so scared We've been found Ocean rose in violence We were captive to a storm that wouldn't die The weakest stood in silence I was using all I've left to stay alive I'm so scared (down to one last breath, I will take it to the deepest depths) We will drown (down to one last try, I will stretch the every inch of might) Run and tell the captain That there's water in the bottom of this ship We're sinking rather fast and I am certain that nobody's gonna live I'm so scared (down to one last breath, I will take it to the deepest depths) We will drown (down to one last try, I will stretch the every inch of might) I won't return though I told you I would Just know that I tried; I did all that I could I wanted you to know, I wanted you to know Like lions we fought in the face of the storm Like giants we stood when our ship wouldn't float I wanted you to know, I wanted you to know (Merci à M pour cettes paroles)