Lacrimae Mundi cover

Archways Paroles


Album Lacrimae Mundi

Paroles de Archways

I can hear the flicker of flames
and the seasons' change as I fall through the forest floor
I feel myself falling deeper - Will I ever greet her?
The entrance and the chamber door...

"Ah, I still remember - it was in the bleak December
Each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the forest floor"
They stretch their dead calm fingers - stood silent through long winters
Ghastly and silent, casting their shadows now and forevermore


Deep into the woods gazing - I stood there wondering
dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before
but the silence was unbroken - no voices were awoken
embraced in darkness I fell on my knees on the forest floor


I heard my heart beating - and the woods started breathing
I could hear my whispers even louder I heard them before
The whispers pierced my mind, the pictures in my eyes
I whispered the tales told never before of the heroes of yore

My heart is sorrow laden - this life is slowly fading
I want to see more, feel more, please I implore! See the shadows dance in the night's clasp on a star lit sky, nevermore

The eastern horizon's black turns blood - As I cry I can feel the closing dawn
These nocturnal archways come - something undone
But the memory of me shall remain forevermore...


As I rise on my wings to fly - The zephyr brings tear to my eye
This darkness I adore - further I'll explore
But the memory of me shall remain forevermore...