Other cover

Prohibicja Paroles

El Dupa

Album Other

Paroles de Prohibicja

We've came from district laying very far from here
So we don't understand these rules you gotta here
So I've had spoke him pope visiting you're at country side
There is no city we can buy only bottle of wine
Nobody wanna say anything that we want to drink
That men I'm sure just live their know nothing
The prohibition makes the gangsters like Al Capone
Did you see white moron just part of the twilight zone
So we don't want no prohibition in a Warsaw
So we don't want no prohibition in a Cracow (eja)
So we don't want no prohibition in a style
Ajri ajri in a diferent style
We've came from Lagos if you really wanna know (yes)
Not every pope is a reason to say no to us
To drinking some or to drinking little some more
I love girl with the legs like a Betty Ford
You shall not drink to John Paul visiting here
Which @!#$ there's to brake this original law
Me say me love in a diferent style
Babilons had met really really thirsty
So we don't want no prohibition in a Warsaw
So we don't want no prohibition in a Cracow
So we don't want no prohibition in a style
Ajri ajri in a diferent style
So we don't want no prohibition in Katowice
So we don't want no prohibition in Gliwice Jak tak patrzê to cyniczni i z³o?liwi
G³upi, paso¿yty, insekten, nowotwór na organizmie ¿ywym
Radny kradnie zasada jest taka
Winy góra tego typu warta jest siusiaka
Lub pipuni wszelkiej ma?ci z³odziei na sto³kach
S³u¿ba wasza temu miastu to kit na kó³kach
Nie chcemy ¿adnej prohibicji in a Warsaw
Nie chcemy ¿adnej prohibicji in a Cracow (eja)
Nie chcemy ¿adnej prohibicji nawet w Walii
Ajri ajri in a diferent style
So we don't want no prohibition in a Warsaw
So we don't want no prohibition in a Cracow (eja)
So we don't want no prohibition in a style
Ajri ajri in a diferent style
Radni Warszawy to zupe³na bandytierka
Mówiê, co tu mo¿na by zagrabiæ ka¿dy jeden zerka
Oni ja my?lê zachowuj¹ siê nie³adnie
Radny kradnie a ca³e miasto na dnie
Na ulicy dzi? króluj¹ traffic bandyci
Du¿e miasto du¿a kasa ratusz siê nasyci
Ingerencji prawo oddzia³ Babilonu ro?ci
Nie ma wolno?ci bez Solidarno?ci
Nie ma ojczyzny bez Bia³ostoczczyzny
Nie ma tradycji bez prohibicji
Nie ma nowych mostów bez ³apówek dla starostów
Nie ma oleju bez pancernego kleju
Nie ma El Dupy gdy rozum lodem skuty
Nie ma satyry bez Doktora Yry