Paroles de 10.07.02 (six)

Maybe I forgot to tell you how you made me laugh.

And maybe I forgot to tell you, how you made me...

I drank in inspiration
It filled me

It pushed me

How it pushed me.

How it moved me.

And maybe you didn't notice how a smile or a nod filled me with elation

How it moved me.

But nothing lasts forever, and the world is pulled from our feet.

And sometimes it's hard.

It's hard not to feel betrayed by your absence, by your resignation.

And it's hard not to think that you some how gave up, gave up on what we believed.
And now it's almost impossible to look on the past without being touched by regret.

But I'll learn from my mistakes.

And I'll learn from your mistakes.

And move forward as you pushed me--as you moved me.